We just got a massive revamp! Hope you like it.


Upcoming Projects:

None. I am attempting to update existing projects.

Other pages


Q: When will CoD:MS release?
A: Clock of Desolation: Midnight Strike development may be forever halted.

_3xp (discord)

About me

Greetings, I'm Richard, a passionate game developer dedicated to crafting captivating gaming experiences. Currently, I'm spearheading the development of 'Clock of Desolation: Midnight Strike', a project that presents its fair share of challenges. While my programming background may not be as extensive as I'd prefer, I am committed to pushing boundaries and enhancing gaming innovation to the best of my abilities.In my free time, I find peace in the realm of Fortnite and draw inspiration from the intricate narratives woven into Eminem's music. Despite the demands of my hectic schedule, I eagerly seek connections with fellow gaming enthusiasts and like-minded creatives to share insights and ideas.(Yes I did spend an hour or so writing that)


Some info:
CoD:MS has secret lore hidden.. maybe the number 5 has something to do with it.
Some leaks:
None.... Why?

You found the first ever secret page! Or you used inspect element...
Well, you deserve some lore on CoD:MS. CoD:MS is set on a fictional planet named XOROZ-9634, in Earth year 2436, XOROZ-9634 year 5 (based on when they first colonized the planet).

Well well well... Inspect element user, I must award you for trying so hard. However, there is nothing to see. Welcome to the floating point null zone.